Reports and Tables
Reports and tabulations may be driven by menus or by keywords which are easy to operate and very flexible. The types of reports, with their keywords, are shown below, followed by the options that apply to them. Many of the available procedures are designed to meet specific requirements of regulatory authorities, such as the FDA, EPA and the Japanese MAFF. We are always pleased to consider including additional types of reports, tabulations or options to meet a client's requirements.
Types of reports and tables include:
- ALIST With animal numbers as columns and conditions as rows, lists presence of conditions with grades, sizes, tumour presence and texts as appropriate.
- ANIMALS Lists animal numbers (and/or values of other fields) for animals with specified conditions. Used to produce Japanese output giving animal reference, modes and week of death for animals with tumours.
- BYTIME Breakdown by time for fatal, incidental or visible conditions. Will produce 'Kaplan-Meier' plots and also the survivorship table required by the FDA.
- BYTIME2 Breakdown by time interval for incidental conditions.
- PERCENT Percentage incidence of conditions within organ, optionally at each level of graded variable.
- PMREPORT Individual animal reports combining, on a single page, information from the microscopic histopathology with that from necropsy and from other databases if available.
- REPORT Individual animal histopathology reports.
- REPORT FCD Individual animal reports showing factors contributing to death and predominant pathology together with correlated macro findings. Users can automatically include all tumours as predominant pathology.
- REPORT FDA Procedures report of tumour data for electronic submission to FDA.
- REPORT MM Individual animal histopathology reports showing the macro, and correlated micro, findings.
- REPORT TIME Individual animal reports in order of time of death, suitable for tumour chronology required by the FDA.
- SUMMARY Produces summary incidence tables for fields by organs, with overall tumour incidence counts.
- Validation: Check data by standard or user-defined criteria.
- Transformation: Create new fields from existing data for reporting and tabulating.
- Select animals: Based on animal number lists or by more complex conditional statements based on values of specified fields.
- Sex: Run reports for males only, females only, or both sexes.
- Missing data: Show missing data or not.
- Select organs: Report on data for the fields of the selected organs.
- Field lists: Define lists of fields for reporting.
- Tumours: Within a field list consider only tumours, only non-neoplastic findings, or all fields. Optionally suppress multicentric tumours.
- Sorting data: Output listings in user-defined order.
- Layout: Users can modify table headings, table and page numbers, page width and length, margins and tabs, underlining, decimal places, and other aspects of layout. Users can decide which of the lines which are available for a report should appear.
- Output: Results go to an output file and (optionally) to the screen. The output file may be printed, copied to a normal file or deleted at any stage. Plots are now produced in a form for printing directly to the laser printer.
- Settings: Settings chosen for a report, such as animal selections and field lists, are kept until altered. They may be stored and restored as required. An optional glossary describes the settings in operation as part of the report output.
- Session file: A record of a reporting/tabulation session is kept.
- Command file: A sequence of keywords to run various reports and tabulations and to define options may be created directly or from a session file. These command files may be run in batch or interactive mode and can be used to define the complete sequence of reports and tabulations, thus facilitating rerunning following data modifications.